MARITIME MARKET 2012 - the December issue——2012-11-14 20:42:02
Name: Maciej Wedzinski
Homepage Email & MSN QQ
We would like to offer you the opportunity to place an advertisement of your company in the December issue of the biggest Russian maritime magazine - MARITIME MARKET.
It is a full color magazine, with information and analysis as well as covering all aspects of the maritime industry in Russia. It is targeted at shipping company executives, managers, shipbuilding and research specialists, including visitors of marine exhibitions and also a wide range of audiences interested in marine issues.
We are sure that your advert placed in our magazine is an excellent chance to promote your company on the extensive Russian market.
The prices of advertisements are the following:
- back cover 3500 EUR
- 1 page 1800 EUR
- 1/2 page 950 EUR
- 1/4 page 500 EUR